Very original family shot.
Lauren in a Minnie Mouse dress... Couldn't help but take pictures of that.
Here is an attempt to get all 3 together for a nice picture, but Lauren didn't "appreciate" Carter's arm trying to hold her on the bench to keep her from running wild through the streets of Disneyland... hence the pretty face...
The highlight of our day were these Mickey and Minnie glasses, for not only can they serve as sunglasses....
..... they also open to serve as a serious fashion statement, for which all 3 of our kiddos were VERY pleased.
And for some reason, this was the expression Lauren made every time the sunglasses went on.
Aaaawwww, Carter. I will be so sad when he isn't so proud of cool glasses like this.
As we were leaving, a mob of people chased after Mickey as he came out to take pictures. Somehow, Jason ended up taking the first picture with another family, and we squeaked in for a shot before a line of 30 people formed behind us. Lauren is getting many smooches on the head from Mickey in this picture. :)
Thanks Papa and Nana for a great time at Disneyland!!!
haha these pictures made me laugh... especially Lauren's face in those awesome glasses. Oooh, I really miss you guys!
Love, Colleen
Hi there, you all look beautiful! I can't believe how quick Lauren is growing and the boys too! I am going to miss hanging in Palms Springs with all of you this spring break!
The Zemans
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