Friday, June 20, 2008

Let the Summer begin!!

Well, it's official - Carter has graduated from preschool.... Yes, they actually have graduation ceremonies for preschool. I had no idea that they would wear the cap, have their name called and walk across the stage to receive their diploma. It was pretty cute, I must say - just like the little song his class sang for us. So that was last night, and today was the final, final end of year party - the water play party. It was fun and we were very happy to play in the water since it was 108 degrees today! So, our summer has officially started!! Can't believe how fast this year flew by.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


We have had a lot to celebrate this week.
First of all, we got to celebrate Daddy. The kids loved getting things ready for him this year. It is fun to see each year as these special days become more meaningful for them. They actually come up with ideas of their own now - So Fun!
This is also Carters last week of preschool. They must really like to celebrate at his school because we have 3 separate end of year activities this week. The pictures are from Scooter's Jungle - an indoor play place here in town. Jason got to go along, so this was very fun for both of them. I even got to ride the big slide. Yes, it looked funny, but it was fun.
Carter has his big Pre-K graduation tonight! :) We'll update with those pics soon.

Dad's Day

Monday, June 2, 2008

Last T-Ball game and Pigtails!!

This T-Ball season flew by. Carter had so much fun and really got into it this year. It was fun to see him begin to figure out how to play and improve. Of course, the highlight was the trophy. He is so proud to now have three sitting on top of his dresser. The picture of Lauren has nothing to do with t-ball. I was just excited that I got all of her hair up into two pigtails. So fun!!

End of T-Ball Season