Friday, October 9, 2009

It's official.... it's Fall.

Fall never seems to really be here until we make our first trip to the Pumpkin patch. Today we went to Lombardi Ranch. It was a momentous occasion for me as it was the first time I didn't push a stroller around the ranch. My little girl is very insistent that she "can do it myself." This was bittersweet, but we really had fun. The kids climbed all over everything, hiked through the corn maze, and finally all selected their pumpkins for the year. I LOVE going to the pumpkin patch, and LOVE getting pictures there. :) So here are a few from our day......

On top of the hay bail pyramid.

They liked this idea... then Lauren had second thoughts. Click on the picture to see the "joy" in her face. :)

Corn Maze....

....hunting for clues in the corn maze.

Their chosen pumpkins.

Happy Fall!!!!!